Dear PASA members,
It was great to see a number of you at our August meeting where we shared our current works using perspective and practiced some of the skills learnt the month before. Thanks to Diana Bradshaw for continuing to provide advice and support where needed.
At the committee meeting held on the 8th August Jenni Poole was voted on to the Committee in the role of Exhibition Coordinator. Welcome Jenni and thank you Kerryn Hocking for all your work and commitment to providing exhibition opportunities for members in the past and for providing guidance and mentorship as Jenni steps into this role. Jenni has identified an opportunity for an Exhibition in mid November this year - more details coming soon.
The next deadline for content for the Dusty Dialogue is 16th September.
Our workshop with Tricia Taylor on the 5th and 6th October is now full.
We look forward to seeing you all at our September meeting where Joe Dennis will provide a demonstration on making pastels, and we will draw our raffle.
From your committee.