Exhibitions for 2025
Our current exhibition at Gallery Twenty/Kruse Legal, 20 Coromandel Parade, Blackwood continues for another 5 weeks, closing at 4pm on Friday 28 February. Please note the later closing date. Due to the gallery being closed over Christmas/New Year, we were offered an extension of time. Collection of unsold works is on Saturday 1 March.
Please let Jenni Poole know if you arrange someone else to collect your work.
Our next exhibition, entitled ‘Vibrant Pastels’, will be held at the Pepper Street Art Centre, 558 Magill Rd, Magill, running from Friday 28 March until Saturday 28 April. The exhibition launch will be on Friday 28 March at 6pm, so note the date and invite your friends.
Delivery of works to the gallery will be on Tuesday 25 March, between 10am and 12 noon. Entry forms and further exhibition details will be available soon, so do mark
these dates in your diary and prepare your ‘Vibrant Pastels’ for our exhibition!
ADVERTISING : We are looking to include high resolution images of a few works in the exhibition, to be used in our advertising. Images need to be in jpeg format with
300dpi quality. Please email images as soon as possible, with artist’s full name, title of work and medium to pasaexhibitions@gmail.com.
Pepper Street has been a successful gallery to showcase our works in the past and we are looking forward to a vibrant exhibition. We will be holding pastels demonstration
sessions at the Gallery on Sat 29 March, Thursday 3 April, Sat.5 April and Friday 11April. More information regarding the times and demonstrating artists to be published
closer to the exhibition date.
We would love to see YOUR work in this ‘Vibrant Pastels’ exhibition.
For general information about exhibitions please contact Jenni Poole, Exhibition Coordinator.
Also, why not follow us on Facebook?
Workshops and exhibitions are often pre-announced there.